
At the Heart of Ice Cream

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At Southern Ice Cream, we serve happiness by the gallon throughout Texas and parts of Louisiana.

Our Core Values

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Group 7


Commitment to Excellence

Group 8


Putting People First



Successfully Working Together

Group 12


Creating a Fun Experience


Never Stop Improving

Group 15


Follow the Rules

kid getting ice cream

Our Passion

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Using ice cream to create cool memories.

kids getting ice cream from the ice cream truck

Sustainability Practices

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Southern Ice Cream is committed to minimizing the impact of its activities
on the environment to preserve Earth for the future of our children.

ice cream freezer working

Reduce waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. We reduce paper through the use of electronic devices and the reuse of cardboard, paper, and other materials is highly encouraged.

southern ice cream truck

Minimize toxic emissions through the selection of new vehicles and efficient management of routing our fleet and reducing fuel consumption.

southern ice cream recycling

We actively promote recycling within our daily operations. Currently, all cardboard, pallets, and other recyclable materials are recycled daily.

ice cream sundae cup

Encourage sourcing locally to minimize the environmental impact of both production and distribution.

southern ice cream team

Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to our company.